Thickened tails and pastes often exhibit a yield point and a plastic viscosity which varies with the shear rate. The flow of such fluids through pipelines differs markedly from the flow of more dilute slurries in at least two aspects. First, the variation of the shear stress at the wall with the shear rate at the wall will change with varying rheological parameters of the fluid. Second, the mechanism by which mechanical energy propagates between length scales to final dissipation will change with the degree of turbulence exhibited by the flow.

<h1>On-line Measurement of Rheological Parameters for Feedback Control of Thickeners</h1>

Thickened tails and pastes often exhibit a yield point and a plastic viscosity which varies with the shear rate. The flow of such fluids through pipelines differs markedly from the flow of more dilute slurries in at least two aspects. First, the variation of the shear stress at the wall with the shear rate at the wall will change with varying rheological parameters of the fluid. Second, the mechanism by which mechanical energy propagates between length scales to final dissipation will change with the degree of turbulence exhibited by the flow.

Categories: Technical Paper
Tags: English