Asset Integrity Services

Asset Integrity Services

Oil sands pipelines are responsible for transporting billions of dollars of resources all day every day, thus making pipeline asset management one of the top priorities for an oil sands mine. Due to the harsh conditions and complex fluid mechanics associated with oil sands processing and disposal, accurate flow measurement within the pipelines also creates a unique industry challenge. In order to transform these challenges into opportunities for operational improvement, CiDRA has worked closely with our customers to develop industry-specific solutions to improve asset integrity. Our service solutions provide never before seen insight into pipeline slurry flows and asset condition based monitoring aimed at increasing safety, recovery, reliability, and operating efficiencies. In addition, our award winning team of professionals in Fort McMurray provides our customers with around the clock service and support, 365 days a year.

Contact Us:
50 Barnes Park North
Wallingford, CT 06492
United States