P29 Technology • Case Study
For more information please email Paul Rothman or Mark Holdsworth. Thank you.
CiDRA’s SONARtrac® flow meter is an ideal solution for water applications such as water feed lines to SAG and ball mills and process water feed lines. Since our sonar flow meter system is non-contact and clamps on to the outside of the pipe, it does not require any process downtime and is not affected by scale build up. The SONARtrac provides reliable volumetric flow measurements that allow operators to achieve automated control.
CiDRA’s SONARtrac® flow meter is an ideal solution for water applications such as water feed lines to SAG and ball mills and process water feed lines. Since our sonar flow meter system is non-contact and clamps on to the outside of the pipe, it does not require any process downtime and is not affected by scale build up. The SONARtrac provides reliable volumetric flow measurements that allow operators to achieve automated control.
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