CiDRA Minerals Processing Inc. has entered the dredging market with its SONARtrac® volumetric flow meter that uses passive sonar to measure slurry flow in a pipeline. Because the system is non-contact, installed on the outside of a pipe, it is not subject to wear and requires no maintenance. Joseph Poplawski, North America Regional sales manager explained that the sensors consist of piezoelectric sensor elements bonded to a monolithic stainless-steel structure that can be wrapped around a pipe. The sensors are strain sensitive and detect the strain created on the pipe wall by passing vortices in the slurry, converting the readings to velocity.

<h1>Dredging Industry Showing Interest in CIDRA Non-Invasive Volumetric Flow Meter</h1>

CiDRA Minerals Processing Inc. has entered the dredging market with its SONARtrac® volumetric flow meter that uses passive sonar to measure slurry flow in a pipeline. Because the system is non-contact, installed on the outside of a pipe, it is not subject to wear and requires no maintenance.

Joseph Poplawski, North America Regional sales manager explained that the sensors consist of piezoelectric sensor elements bonded to a monolithic stainless-steel structure that can be wrapped around a pipe. The sensors are strain sensitive and detect the strain created on the pipe wall by passing vortices in the slurry, converting the readings to velocity.

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