P29 Technology • Case Study
For more information please email Paul Rothman or Mark Holdsworth. Thank you.
In this presentation, CiDRA’s patented technology platform and its applications will be described. CiDRA's non-invasive, passive sonar array-based flow meter technology provides the volumetric flow rate of single or multiphase fluids by measuring the speed at which naturally occurring structures such as turbulent eddies or density variations convect with the flow past an axial array of sensors. These sensors are incorporated in a band that is wrapped around the outside of the pipe, resulting in no process downtimes for installation and unprecedented reliability. This technology has resulted in a unique ability to measure the flow rate of most fluids – clean liquids, high solids content slurries, pastes, and liquids and slurries with entrained air. Unique and difficult minerals processing flow measurement problems and their solutions will be described. Examples of these problems include flow measurements in froth lines and flotation feed lines with entrained air, slurry lines with magnetite and other magnetic ore, slurry lines with abrasive or corrosive materials, high pressure lines, and lines exhibiting scale buildup. Recent technology developments will be covered.
<h1>Application of Passive Sonar Technology to Minerals Processing Flow Measurement Situations</h1>
In this presentation, CiDRA’s patented technology platform and its applications will be described. CiDRA’s non-invasive, passive sonar array-based flow meter technology provides the volumetric flow rate of single or multiphase fluids by measuring the speed at which naturally occurring structures such as turbulent eddies or density variations convect with the flow past an axial array of sensors. These sensors are incorporated in a band that is wrapped around the outside of the pipe, resulting in no process downtimes for installation and unprecedented reliability. This technology has resulted in a unique ability to measure the flow rate of most fluids – clean liquids, high solids content slurries, pastes, and liquids and slurries with entrained air. Unique and difficult minerals processing flow measurement problems and their solutions will be described. Examples of these problems include flow measurements in froth lines and flotation feed lines with entrained air, slurry lines with magnetite and other magnetic ore, slurry lines with abrasive or corrosive materials, high pressure lines, and lines exhibiting scale buildup. Recent technology developments will be covered.
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