CYCLONEtrac™ OSM - Oversize Monitoring System
CYCLONEtrac™ OSM - Oversize Monitoring System
CiDRA’s non-invasive CYCLONEtrac Oversize Monitoring (OSM) System alerts grind operators when oversize, coarse materials (≥ 6mm) are present in the hydrocyclone overflow. The CYCLONEtrac system, which connects to the central control room, provides operators with real-time data of the material passing from the hydroclone to the flotation tank. Since the system provides the status of each individual hydrocyclone, operations can take immediate action to correct the problematic hydrocyclone without shutting down the entire cluster. The CYCLONEtrac system allows plants to prevent process upsets, flotation cell blockages, and rougher row shutdowns, thereby improving hydrocyclone operation, grind management, and recovery.
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Data Sheet