CiDRA has taken the proven reliability of its SONARtrac technology to provide new entrained gas and volumetric flow measurement capabilities and provide insight into the monitoring and optimization of industrial processes. The SONARtrac Volumetric Flow and Entrained Gas Monitoring System utilizes an array of sensors that are wrapped around the pipe. The flow rate and amount of entrained air/gas is determined using CIDRA’s sonar flow meter array processing techniques and are available as meter outputs. Liquid flow rate is measured by analyzing the flow turbulence in the process stream, while the sound field is used to determine the sound speed, or velocity at which sound propagates through the process medium. The entrained air/gas percentage is then calculated directly from the measured sound speed.

<h1>SONARtrac<span class=”super”>®</span> Volumetric Flow and Entrained Gas Monitoring System</h1>

CiDRA has taken the proven reliability of its SONARtrac technology to provide new entrained gas and volumetric flow measurement capabilities and provide insight into the monitoring and optimization of industrial processes. The SONARtrac Volumetric Flow and Entrained Gas Monitoring System utilizes an array of sensors that are wrapped around the pipe. The flow rate and amount of entrained air/gas is determined using CIDRA’s sonar flow meter array processing techniques and are available as meter outputs. Liquid flow rate is measured by analyzing the flow turbulence in the process stream, while the sound field is used to determine the sound speed, or velocity at which sound propagates through the process medium. The entrained air/gas percentage is then calculated directly from the measured sound speed.

Categories: Data Sheet
Tags: English