Coarser grinding and coarse particle recovery are receiving increased attention as a potential strategy for overcoming the multiple challenges that face the mining industry now and into the foreseeable future. Lower grade – normally harder – ores require the processing of larger ore quantities to achieve even the same production rate; necessarily increasing production costs. As dictated by the well known Comminution Laws, coarsening the final ground product size significantly increases throughput and reduces specific energy consumption and production cost. However, implementation of this coarser grinding strategy could be hindered by two key limitations.

<h1>2019 MINExcellence • Coarser Grinding: Economic Benefits and Enabling Technologies</h1>

Coarser grinding and coarse particle recovery are receiving increased attention as a potential strategy for overcoming the multiple challenges that face the mining industry now and into the foreseeable future. Lower grade – normally harder – ores require the processing of larger ore quantities to achieve even the same production rate; necessarily increasing production costs.

As dictated by the well known Comminution Laws, coarsening the final ground product size significantly increases throughput and reduces specific energy consumption and production cost. However, implementation of this coarser grinding strategy could be hindered by two key limitations.

Categories: Technical Paper
Tags: English