Spike Filter Problems

<h1>Spike Filter Problems</h1> Under certain circumstances, issues have been identified with released versions of the spike filter that can cause improper functionality.

Transmitter Totalizer Problem

<h1>Transmitter Totalizer Problem</h1> A problem with the transmitter totalizer function has been found. The problem exists in all Firmware Releases up to and including 03.03.26.

SONARtrac Troubleshooting Guide

<h1>SONARtrac<span class=”super”>®</span> – Troubleshooting Guide</h1> The purpose of this document is to formally release the SONARtrac Troubleshooting Guide. The guide lists problems that may be encountered by personnel...

SONARtrac – Transmitter Clock

<h1>SONARtrac<span class=”super”>®</span> – Transmitter Clock</h1> On all transmitters programmed with Firmware Release 03.00.14 and later firmware versions, erroneous date and time stamps can be stored in the transmitter...