CYCLONEtrac™ OSM – Oversize Monitoring System

<h1>CYCLONEtrac<span class=”super”>™</span> OSM – Oversize Monitoring System</h1> CiDRA’s non-invasive CYCLONEtrac Oversize Monitoring (OSM) System alerts grind operators when oversize, coarse materials (≥ 6mm) are present in...

SONARtrac Technical Datasheet

<h1>SONARtrac<span class=”super”>®</span> – Process Monitoring System – Technical Datasheet</h1> SONARtrac – Sonar Class of Flow and Entrained Air Monitoring Systems

SANDtrac™ Velocity Profile Service

<h1>SANDtrac<span class=”super”>TM</span> Velocity Profile Service</h1> The SANDtrac Velocity Profile System is an extension of CiDRA’s clamp-on sonar flow measurement technology and was specifically designed to measure and...

SONARtrac VF/GVF-100 Technical Datasheet for Oilsands

<h1>VF/GVF-100 Technical Datasheet for the Oil Sands Industry</h1> The SONARtrac VF/GVF-100 flow monitoring system is the ideal solution for both volumetric flow and entrained air measurement in the oilsands industry. The technical datasheet for the...